Storytelling will send your consumer engagement into overdrive.

Brand stickiness arises when consumers begin to recognize a piece of themselves in you. Let’s discover what story you want to tell together.

Love local. Get rewarded.

Fivestars consumer mobile app, Fivestars

UX, UI, Research

Consumer mobile app rebranding, feature optimization, mobile ordering concept designs

Beautiful illustrations by Tim Chan

Turning transactions into relationships

Merchant-facing and consumer product suite, Fivestars

UX, UI, Research


MVP Loyalty + Payments experience, including in-store merchant POS integration, consumer in-store payments app, portable-handheld payments app concepts for sit down restaurants, and research


MVP payments dashboard, onboarding experience for pay merchants, SSO loyalty dashboard integration, research, loyalty migration strategy, feature optimizations, and research

Beautiful illustrations by Tim Chan

Take your pleasure seriously.

Blackmarket eCommerce site, Urbandaddy

Role: Production design, UX, UI

Taste the rainbow. Don’t Fizz the ___. Fizz the Rainbow.

Skittle marketing website, Wrigley

Role: UX, UI

Great taste. More Nutrients.

vitaminwater, Glacéau

Role: Production , Motion

Illustrations by Adam Chang

Dark humor

Stop-motion Interactive kiosk showcasing Tim Burton’s life work, MoMA New York

Role: UX, UI, Animation, Production

Concept design by Jay Quericia

Concept sketch by Jay Quercia


Marketing websites and mini-games promoting new movies, Sony Pictures Entertainment and A&E

Role: UX, UI, Motion, Production

Belong anywhere

Onboarding flow concept designs, Airbnb

Role: UX, UI

Art Everywhere

Infusing with illustration, motion, and hand-made projects, Misc. tech companies & personal projects